👋Welcome to ShockwavAI Signals Overview

The official guidelines and introductory manual for the ShockwavAI Signals Tournament empower you to submit stock market signals and ascertain their level of uniqueness in comparison to all other sig

GitBook tip: your product docs aren't just a reference of all your features! use them to encourage folks to perform certain actions and discover the value in your product.


ShockwavAI Signals constitute a cornerstone of ShockwavAI's comprehensive strategy, designed to manifest an unprecedented hedge fund that stands as a testament to innovation. For a comprehensive comprehension of the synergistic elements at play, delve into the provided resources and educational content.

Either register for a new account on ShockwavAI or access the platform using your pre-existing ShockwavAI tournament credentials.

Submit your distinct signal within ShockwavAI's designated stock market realm, enabling you to receive evaluations of historical performance, risk analysis, and profitability assessments associated with your signal.

Engage with the active segment of your signal by leveraging SHOCK cryptocurrency, which enables you to garner rewards or potentially face losses based on your performance relative to ShockwavAI's individually tailored benchmarks.

Facilitate the automated weekly submission of your signal by seamlessly interfacing with our API, subsequently nurturing the appreciation of your stake's value over time.

Understanding Stock Market Signals Stock market signals encompass sets of numerical data pertaining to stocks, playing a pivotal role as data feeds for quantitative hedge funds, much like ShockwavAI, in the construction of robust and effective portfolios.